
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mobilink and Train partners for location based advertising

SmartPush will enable Mobilink customers to enjoy the benefits of customized location based advertising

Mobilink and Train of Thought have strategically partnered to launch ‘SmartPush’ - a revolutionary technology embedded in mobile apps – that will enable customized location based advertising.

‘SmartPush’ is the first of its kind service in Pakistan that works as an intelligent advertising engine. It learns about its users over time and builds on usage history to provide targeted advertising that is customized to the individual user. On the back-end, advertisers and developers can leverage from the powerful analytics tool that covers campaign analytics and predictive modeling to build a potential customer base.

Moied Javeed, Director Marketing (Mobile Internet), Mobilink highlighted the ideology behind the partnership, ‘Mobilink’s support to ‘Train of Thought’ is in line with our strategy to encourage Pakistan’s youth to bring about a positive change to the society through technological research. The innovative technological platform behind ‘SmartPush’ will introduce a unique experience to the way users see mobile advertising and help in bringing better apps to market. It will bring a revolution in the way we connect and enjoy the everyday mobile experience.’’
Mobilink aims at encouraging smartphone savvy users, entrepreneurs and app developers as a means of working towards a technologically prosperous Pakistan. SmartPush complements Mobilink’s state-of-the-art Mobile internet service in enhancing the overall benefit of the telecom and IT services for customers across the country.


ABOUT Mobilink

Mobilink is Pakistan’s leading provider of voice and data services. With over 37 million subscribers, Mobilink maintains market leadership with coverage in over 20,000 cities, towns and villages across Pakistan. Mobilink continues to innovate through cutting-edge, state of the art technology, a portfolio of Mobile Financial Services, a strong consolidated branded house, the largest portfolio of value added services, as well as the country’s largest network with over 9,000 cell sites. The company also has the largest distribution and call center network that enables it to offer wider accessibility and quality customer services across Pakistan.

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