
Monday, July 15, 2013

CBA welcome regularization of deceased employees children

KARACHI: Syed Saeed Haider, Secretary General, Employees Front Sindh (CBA) applauded Dr Asif A. Brohi, President, National Bank of Pakistan on regularization of 93 children of deceased employees, who had died during the service.

 He thanked Dr Brohi on the resolution of this long outstanding issue, which is in fact recognition of the long outstanding services of deceased employees of Pakistan’s largest public sector commercial bank. Appreciating the move, Saeed Haider said “It is collective obligation of the management and the CBA to take care of the welfare of families and children of deceased employees who worked day and night to provide good services to customers and also played vital role in bringing NBP to this stage. With the sheer hard work of its employees, NBP has become more than one trillion rupees organization and simultaneously achieved national and international recognitions and awards and opening branches within and outside the country”. In a message to employees Haider said that Dr. Brohi wished these employees a very good luck and hoped that they would also play their part like their fathers in the development of the bank. Employees Front Sindh (CBA) felicitated President NBP on this landmark decision and this act has set a new precedence in Bank’s history which the employees will never forget.

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